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  • Students are taught from the beginner level up to entrance into university audition performances.

  • Royal Conservatory examinations may be tried from introductory to advanced levels. Acceptance into university programs requires a minimum of Royal Consevatory Music grade nine. Examinations are optional.

  • Students who prefer popular musical styles will be taught to read, chord and/or play by ear.  Cell phones or ipods are often used for this purpose.

Guitar (Acoustic & Electric)

  • Students are taught from beginners to advanced level.

  • Royal Conservatory examinations may be tried from introductory to advanced levels. 

  • Students who prefer popular styles can learn to read and/or develop their playing by ear and improvisational skills.

  • Various musical styles are taught including jazz, rock, blues, country, and popular. 

Bass Guitar

  • Bass line reading is taught as well as developing playing by ear and improvising skills. 

  • Various musical stayles are taught including jazz, rock, blues, country and popular.

  • Bass lines are taught with an understanding of the note names and chord patterns  being played.


  •  The ukelele is a great instrument for children. It is small and easy to hold. The strings are soft and don't hurt fingers. Chords are less difficult for beginners to play and it comes in lots of fun colours to enhance the learning experience!

  • Students can learn to read and/or develop their playing by ear and improvising skills


  • Students begin by singing their own choice of music as well as songs from beginner song books. Where possible, some piano skills are taught as they heighten the listening skills of the singer.

  • Those seeking a university degree in voice MUST take piano as it is a requirement of acceptance into a Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Fine Arts programs.

  • Royal Conservatory examinations may be tried ranging from introductory to advanced levels.

  • Music reading is an important skill and may be taught along with sight reading skills.

  • Many people study singing to improve their range and sound so they have more confidence to sing in a choir or for their own pleasure.

  • The development of singing harmony is useful and is taught where required or desired.


  • Instruction is provided for beginner, intermediate or preparation for auditions into university music programs.

  • Royal Conservatory examinations may be tried from introductory to advanced levels. 

  • Some students prefer to learn to read and develop playing by ear and improvising skills.  Guidance is offered for those  involved with ensemble playing or for those wanting to participate in ensemble groups.

Speech Arts

  • Speech Arts is taught to improve acting skills, build confidence with public speaking and for singers to align facial expression with lyrics.

  • Breath control and projection are two important factors that are developed along with inflection in speech. 

  • Royal Conservatory examinations are also offered.


  • Theory is a co-requisite for students trying Royal Conservatory music examinations.

  • Theory is a necessary requirement for students applying to a music program at the university level.

  • Theory is important to those playing by ear and chording as it gives the performer an understanding of keys and how to use them. It also helps students identify and analyze chords used in songs.



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